Mindfulness Part Two

Creating Space

One of my newest end-of-year traditions is the ritual of clearing my space to make room so that new things can enter my life in the coming new year.

During last year's "Great Purge of 2017" I managed to shed literally half of my belongings. "Clearing Your Clutter with Feng Shui" is an amazing audiobook that can help you find the inspiration to clear your clutter, I highly recommend it! The first chapter covers actually being able to smell clutter, yikes! I listened to the book around three or four times because that's how long it took me to clear all my clutter. Clearly I had some serious work to do, my clutter had even begun to shock my roommate and Instagram followers!

I've learned so much in engaging in the practice of creating space in my life. Simply by getting rid of so many things that I didn't love or ever use, I noticed I felt less anxiety and was able to achieve better focus by having less stuff to manage and clean. I am now committed to this annual tradition because I feel it sets such a powerful start to the new year and makes you think about what is really important to you.

Creating space can be an emotional process, I recommend having trusted friends or loved ones close by to help you determine what to keep and what to get rid of. My roommate pointed out that I owned three identical black blazers, and that there was no practical need for this. I was able to pick the one I liked the most and, this may sound a little strange, thanked the other black blazers for the joy they brought into my life at the time I purchased them. Talking to your clothes may not be something you're used to, but it can really help you emotionally let go of things that you may be holding on to needlessly.

Earlier this June I discovered a Feng Shui master named Dana Claudat, also known as the Tao of Dana. Dana's videos and blogs are so uplifting and inspiring, the experience is truly magical! One of the things I love that Dana teaches is the power of your intention. No crystal, sage wand, or moon phase is more powerful then your intention. Those things are merely fun tools used to help remind you to use your intention.

For example, maybe you've been getting into some disagreements with a friend or loved one. You can set the intention before you start to clear your space that you want to remove any toxic, angry, dark energy from your space. Then you can start to vacuum, dust or mop it all away. What I've come to learn is how therapeutic cleaning up the inside can be when you are mindful in creating a lighter space; it in turn helps to shape your outer world. I noticed more good things started to happen to me when I was conscious of clearing my space. Be mindful that when you create space, you are creating magic in your life and good things will start to happen.

A fun ritual is to space clear on a new moon which is when the moon is charging itself up again. This is when we manifest intentions to clear away toxic bad energy in a space. I have never been so excited to clean in my entire life! I get so excited to have a day to clean now because I know every time I clean, something amazing is going to happen! I'm intentionally opening myself up to magic in my life by clearing my space.

I want to challenge everyone to really take a look at their space and see where they can clear some room. Maybe it's an area you never spend any time in and its dark and needs some attention. Revitalize the energy in those areas, start by giving the area a good vacuuming or dusting. Get things moving and let go of the things that you don't need. Look through your closet and figure out what you love and what you don't; remove the items that don't bring you joy. Removing the items that can hold you back can be a very powerful and rewarding experience.

Next, create space for yourself. When is the last time you had a moment to be with yourself all alone? No one to please or worry about except for yourself? Not only is it important to create space for yourself in terms of things, but it is equally important to create space for yourself with people. Connecting with people is so important and valuable, but having moments of solitude to be with your thoughts and spirit is one of the most precious times to expand yourself. During these times get creative and allow your intuition to guide you. Your intuition will speak to you if you slow down long enough hear it speak.

There are people who may or may not be draining you of your light and energy whether they mean to or not. Honoring your inner truth and giving yourself time alone to be with your thoughts, feelings, desires and needs is that pause that allows for you to create and to focus inwards. Are you in alignment with the person you desire to be? Are you giving yourself enough time to rest and take care of your body? It's taken me a long time to learn to not feel bad for putting my own thoughts, feelings, desires and needs first. Society has taught us (especially women) that it is selfish to put yourself first, but that could not be further from the truth! You cannot have healthy successful relationships with people if you don't have a healthy relationship with yourself first. In order to overcome the pattern of putting myself second, I have gotten into the habit of asking myself, "what is the reason I feel bad and guilty right now?" Usually its because I think I'm upsetting someone else for not being there for them or that I'm letting them down in some way.

Staying true to the Self is the only way to be. We are all in charge of our own lives and destinies. We get to shape our lives into anything we want. We can't save other people or make them happy if they do not want to be. At the end of the day, everyone is responsible for their own happiness. What we can do is lead by example; the energy that comes with being in charge of our own happiness can be contagious. Leading by example with compassion and our non-judgemental observer is also another way to help others. Giving compassion but not allowing others to steal our energy and light is the delicate balance we must work to maintain each day.

Give yourself the gift of creating space for yourself, start the new year on the right foot with a space clearing ritual! No need to bring anything that doesn't serve you from the past into the future of 2019. Set your intentions and dreams high, energy flows where attention goes. Create more space, more love, and more compassion for an abundant 2019.


Dry Skin Remedies


Mindfulness Part One